Tuesday, December 3, 2013

O-700 Composite manhole covers - Loading class 210-400 kN


(draft version)
- only for circulation OPEN CONTENT - NEW  ITEM PROPOSAL -
Date of presentation
Reference number (as case)
(to be given by the consensus)

Proposer:  Technical Open Source

New work item: - Dimensional based Technical Product Specification.

Title of proposal - English title:
"Composite Manhole Covers, - Lids and frames, - for drain storm/sewer manholes, - for use in vehicular and pedestrian areas."
"Particulars of special product; Dimensional specification, - Size 700 mm."
"Assembly of lid and frame - loading class 210…400 kN."

Envisaged publication type - Private Standard or Workshop Agreement - in form of an open source for 'technical product specification'.

Purpose and justification
The proposal tries to be in interest of stakeholders in domain of  FRP, GRP, SMC, DMC, BMC, GRC composites, civil engineers, to get a consensus concerning the proposal starting from the point of view of end users - in order to go on the market of the product which is the subject of technical open source document.

Relevant documents to be considered: Basic standards, as are EN124, AASHTO-M306, GOST3634, AS3996, WSA(A)132-2011, and others.
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The proposal consists in designs of residential manhole covers of  210…400 kN loading class - in order to be produced  by FRP, GRP, SMC, DMC, BMC, GRC composites.

Note! Due to manufacturer and customer - hinges or/and locking devices may be designed to fit the lids and frames.

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Lids (vented)
- anti-skid details:

- Backside view and section

- Round, with round opening:

- Square, with round opening:

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